Founder/Director/Head Instructor

Patrick Hilligan

Title: Mestre

Nickname: “Galego”

Bio: Mestre Galego began practicing capoeira in 1990 with his teachers, Mestre Acordeon and Mestre Rã. In the year 2000 he graduated from their program and started his own school, Capoeira Água de Beber in Sacramento, California. Since then he has taught more than 10,000 classes, maintained Move! Studio, and with the ADB students, held yearly batizados and performed across the region. Mestre Galego has travelled to Brazil seven times, and speaks fluent Portuguese. He holds a Bachelors and a Masters of Science degree in Physical Education. In 2013 Galego was awarded the title of Mestre, and in 2018 he published his book, Playing in the Light—My Journey with the Art of Capoeira (available at Move! and on Amazon here)


Instructors in Sacramento

Magen DiGregorio

Title: Contramestra

Nickname: “Caxias”

Started capoeira: 2000

Fact: Was ADB’s first student and one of first two to graduate

Rafael Zuluaga

Title: Contramestre

Nickname: “Bode”

Started capoeira: 2002

Fact: Is a DJ in his spare time

Mario Hill

Title: Professor

Nickname: “Castanho”

Started capoeira: 2000

Fact: Taught capoeira on the Big Island of Hawaii for several years

Brittany Akhahon

Title: Professora

Nickname: “Força”

Started capoeira: 2007

Fact: Also dances samba and was once Queen of Sacramento Carnaval

Leonard Wooley

Title: Professor

Nickname: “Leopoldão”

Started capoeira: 2005

Fact: Has been helping teach the Saturday kids class for more than ten years

James Ramos

Title: Professor

Nickname: “Tatu”

Started capoeira: 2008

Fact: Found capoeira through playing the video game “Tekken 3”


Instructors Outside of Sacramento

Joel Beall

Title: Contramestre

Nickname: “Irmão”

Started capoeira: 2000

Teaches in: Placerville, California

Fact: Also teaches Brazilian dance and has performed with Viva Blahia

Susie Pike

Title: Contramestra

Nickname: “Borbulias”

Started capoeira: 2001

Teaches in: Davis, California

Fact: Used to play capoeira at recess in high school

Lloyd Composagrado

Title: Professor

Nickname: “Bebida”

Started capoeira: 2002

Teaches in: Seattle, Washington

Fact: Favorite part of capoeira is acrobatic flow